Thursday, 13 May 2010

More poster ideas

Here are some more tests I have done for my poster design

Monday, 10 May 2010

Poster idea for "Tomorrow Never Knows"

This is an idea i have been working on today for a poster for my film. Its not the final poster though, its just a test piece.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

And now, the end is near…

So I’ve just completed 3 of 4 projects for my college course which are getting handing in today. I’ve only got a week before I hand in my portfolio module too. Then after that it’s the final show. It’s been a good journey, but I’m pleased to say that my college career has almost run its course. It’ll be hard to let go of the student lifestyle (getting up at 12, doing an hour’s work and going back to bed, ha-ha just joking) but seriously, this is the end of the old and the beginning of the new. More than anything I’m really excited to get myself out there and make some money doing what I love. And I’ve got my film to work on for the 2011 animation festivals, so it looks like I’m going to have plenty to keep me busy. Anyway ill leave you with this (for now)

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Mr. Bear in 3D

So i decided to brave it and attempt to create Mr.Bear in 3D. I'm quite pleased with the model, although i still need to texture him. Here he is, you can decide for yourself.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Good News

Since i changed my plan from creating a finished film for my final show to creating a trailer, it dawned on me that i didn't have a title for the film. But fear not, Ive got just the thing. I'm pleased to announce the film is called "Tomorrow Never Knows".

Theres been a change of plan

Due to the limited amount of time i have left on my degree course, it would not be possible to complete my film to the high standard of which it deserves to be made. So Ive changed my plan slightly and I'm going to make a trailer for my film. Hopefully you will be intrigued enough to want to see the finished film when its done, and keep updated with all the latest news on the film.

Friday, 12 March 2010

New Illustration :)

Ive took a little bit of time out today from my college work to do some personal work. I love doing this sort of stuff. I created this illustration using illustrator and Photoshop.